Atmospheric Tomography Mission
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ATom 03/14/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 3/14 Accomplishments
ATHOS, AMP, CAFS, DLH, MMS, NOyO3, PALMS, Picarro, QCLS, SAGA and TOGA installed
Power checks ongoing (QCLS, Picarro and DLH complete)
CAPS team arrived

Thursday, 3/15 Plan
Continue installations and power checks

All ATom-4 Deployment Guides now available on website:

ATom 03/13/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 3/13 Accomplishments
NOyO3, QCLS, DLH, Picarro, TOGA, MMS, ATHOS, SAGA and CAFS mechanically installed

Wednesday, 3/14 Plan
NO on the plane in the forward pit
Check with crew prior to first boarding A/C

06:00-17:00 A/C access
Power checks

ATom 03/12/18 Mission Daily Schedule

The Atom-4 deployment is underway!

Tuesday, 3/13 Plan
06:00-18:00    A/C access

  • Window plates installed, ready for probes
  • See Terrance for all your cabling needs
  • Check with Richard Wong for pressure system requirements
  • Check with Marion or Chris Jennison for laser system requirements

Weekend A/C access TBD

Dave Jordan with Ascension donkeys c. 2015

Dave Jordan on Cross Hill in Ascension c. 2015

Lajes Airbase family touring the DC-8

Shuka Schwarz and Alex Thames


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