Friday October 13
- 0530 Breakfast starts
- 0630 Shuttle vans arrive to hotel
- 0715 Last van departs for airport
- 0730 - 1930 Aircraft Access
- 1300 First return van leaves for hotel
- 1400 Second van leaves for hotel
- 1500 Third van leaves for hotel
- 1600 Fourth van leaves for hotel
- 1700 Last van returns to hotel
Wednesday, 10/4
15:25 Aircraft arrived Kona
Thursday, 10/5 Plan
08:00-16:00 A/C access
09:00 Weather/chem brief in hotel (next to business center)
10:00 Flight planning meeting (same location)
The DC-8 arrived at Anchorage at approximately 18:00L today after a successful 10-hour science flight, which got as far north as 72.5ºN and included a missed approach at Barrow. All instruments operated nominally with the exception of PALMS, which had a laser failure. The team will install the spare laser tomorrow and the instrument should be back up and running.
Monday, 10/2 Accomplishments
- PALMS laser head replaced. The instrument is receiving data but still needs a few hours of work tomorrow.
- Work done on CAPS probe to mitigate moisture issue.
- WAS snakes and Medusa cans from PMD - ANC flight offloaded and sent back to Irvine and La Jolla.
Tuesday, 10/3 Plan
- 08:00 - 16:00 Aircraft access
Sunday, 10/1 Plan
05:45 Two shuttle vans from hotels to hangar
06:00 Two shuttle vans from hotels to hangar
06:45 One shuttle van from hotels to hangar
06:00 Egress training
06:00 Aircraft access (outside)
07:30 Preflight briefing (in lab)
08:30 Door closed
Saturday, 9/30 Plan
06:30-7:20 PALMS gas service
07:20-15:30 Aircraft access (hangar)
Atmospheric researchers depart this month on NASA's DC-8 research aircraft on their third survey of the global atmosphere. Taking place for the first time in Northern Hemisphere fall, the season gives them the unique opportunity to make a detour from their previous flight paths to fly underneath the Antarctic ozone hole.
Thursday, 9/28 Accomplishments
Successful PMD/PMD flight
Friday, 9/29 Plan
06:00-15:30 Aircraft access (hangar)
All instrument spares and additional items must be loaded by noon
Saturday, 9/30 Plan
07:00-15:30 Aircraft access (hangar)