Atmospheric Tomography Mission
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ATom-3 Instrument Install [08.21.2017]

Empty DC-8 [08.18.2017]

DC-8, Half Installed [08.18.2017]

ATom-3 Instrument Installs

ATom 08/21/17 Mission Daily Schedule

  • 06:00-18:30 A/C access supported with 2 split shifts
  • HR-AMS, SP2, ISAF, AO2/Medusa, CAFS teams arrived
  • PANTHER/UCATS/PFP completed power checks

Tuesday, August 22

  • 06:00-18:30 A/C access, continue installations
  • 13:30 Egress training

ATom 08/18/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Friday, August 18
All first wave instruments (NOyO3, QCLS, DLH, Picarro, TOGA, MMS, PALMS, AMP, ATHOS & SAGA), with the exceptioin of CAFS, installed
All power checks, with the exception of DLH, successfully completed
No issues

Saturday, August 19
First wave teams departed

Sunday, August 20
Second wave teams arrive

ATom 08/17/17 Mission Daily Schedule

  • All instruments installed; power checks complete
  • Saturday support not required
  • All teams departed except for NOyO3, PANTHER/UCATS, SAGA, MMS and AMP 

Friday, August 18

  • 06:00-16:00 Continue miscellaneous installation tasks

[08.16.17] Alex Thames and ATHOS

[08.14.17] First lab meeting of ATom-3


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