Atmospheric Tomography Mission
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ATom-3 Instrument Install [08.22.2017]

ATom-3 Planning and Productivity [08.22.2017]

ATom 09/01/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Friday, August 31 Accomplishments

  • WAS fully installed

Week of September 4

  • CAPS install, finish GT-CIMS and DLH installs

Note that EMI testing is occurring on Monday, September 11. All experimenters need to be onsite by 07:00.

ATom 08/31/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, August 31 Accomplishments

  • CIT-CIMS “gets cold” and begins daily LN2 servicing
  • NOAA CIMS power checks complete
  • GT-CIMS fully installed and powered
  • Don Blake is here!

Friday, September 1 Plans

  • 06:00-14:30    GT-CIMS power checks, WAS installation and power checks

NOAA CIMS, GT-CIMS, and CIT-CIMS installations [8.30.17]

ATom 08/30/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, August 30 Accomplishments

  • CIT-CIMS fully installed and power check complete
  • NOAA CIMS fully installed on aircraft and powered
  • GT-CIMS installed (except inlet) and powered

Thursday, August 31 Plans

  • 06:00-18:00  WAS team arriving, NOAA CIMS and GT-CIMS power checks
  • 13:30  Egress training

ATom 08/29/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, August 29 Accomplishments

  • CIT-CIMS on aircraft partially installed and powered
  • NOAA CIMS on aircraft and powered

Wednesday, August 30 Plans

  • 06:00-18:00 GT-CIMS on the aircraft, continue NOAA CIMS and CIT-CIMS installations, power checks

ATom 08/24/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, August 24 Accomplishments
CAFS, ISAF, HR-AMS, AO2/Medusa power checks completed
Egress training
Cylinders picked up for shipping

Friday, Saturday, Sunday
RDO Weekend
Lab access, no a/c access, no ESPO presence

Monday, August 28
CT-CIMS, GT-CIMS, NOAA-CIMS & WAS begin installations
Erin Czech in the wheel house

ATom 08/23/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, August 23 Accomplishments
SP2 power checks complete
Cylinders packed for air shipment

Thursday, August 24 Plans
06:00-18:30    CAFS, ISAF, HR-AMS, AO2/Medusa power checks
13:30              Egress training

ATom 08/22/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, August 22 Accomplishments

  • SP2, ISAF, AO2/Medusa and CAFS installed
  • Egress training
  • Shipping preparations

Wednesday, August 23 Plans

  • 06:00-18:30  Power checks, HR-AMS installation
  • Pack cylinders for air shipment


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