The Airborne Science Instrument Database provides details on the science instruments that have been used as part of NASA-funded airborne research.

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Currently displayed: instruments 341 - 356 of 356.

Titlesort ascending Acronym Contact Person Aircraft Type Measurements
Airborne Coherent Lidar for Advanced In-flight Measurements ACLAIM Edward Teets (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Lidar
Airborne Cloud Radar ACR Steven J Dinardo (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Twin Otter (DOE) Radar Radar Reflectivity
Airborne Chromatograph For Atmospheric Trace Species ACATS James W. Elkins (Co-I) ER-2 - AFRC, Citation Gas chromatography CFCl3, CF2Cl2, CF2ClCFCl2, CH3CCl3, CCl4, Halon-1211, CHCl3, CH4, H2, N2O, SF6
Airborne 2-Channel Laser Infrared Absorption Spectrometer ALIAS-II Lance Christensen (PI) Balloon Spectrometer N2O, CH4, CO, HCl, NO2
Aerosol/Cloud Particle Impactor/Replicator ACIR Rudolf Pueschel (PI) DC-8 - AFRC CCN, Black Carbon, SO4
Aerosol Optical Properties AERO3X Anthony Strawa (PI) P-3 Orion - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC Optical particle counter Black Carbon, NO2, Particle Scattering, Aerosol Extinction, Particle Absorption, Asymmetry Parameter, Single Scattering Albedo, Aerosol Backscattering
Aerosol Lidar William Grant (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Lidar Aerosol Scattering Ratio, Aerosol Backscattering, Aerosol Depolarization Ratio
Aerosol and Cloud Lidar ROSCOE Edward P. Nowottnick (PI) WB-57 - JSC Lidar Aerosol Depolarization Ratio
Advanced Whole Air Sampler AWAS Elliot Atlas (PI) Global Hawk - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC Whole Air Sampling CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, Halons, Solvents, VSLS, NMHCs, Organic Nitrates, CO, CH4, N2O
Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System AVAPS Gary Wick (PI) Global Hawk - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC Dropsonde Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Wind
Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer AMPR Timothy Lang (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF Microwave Radiometer Brightness Temperature
Accumulation Radar Carl Leuschen (PI) P-3 Orion - WFF Radar Snow Thickness, Ice Sheet Thickness
2DC Hydrometeor Imaging Probe 2DC David Rogers (PI) Gulfstream V - NSF Particle imager Particle size distribution, Particle concentration
2D-S Stereo Probe 2DS Sarah Woods (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC, Global Hawk - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Learjet SPEC, Alpha Jet Particle imager Particle size distribution, Particle concentration, Particle Extinction
2 Channel Selected Ion Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer SI/CIMS-2 Fred Eisele (PI) C-130H - WFF, P-3 Orion - WFF CIMS OH, H2SO4, CH4SO3, DMSO, NH3, Aerosol
14-channel NASA Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer AATS-14 Stephen Broccardo (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, J-31, P-3 Orion - WFF, Convair 580 NRC, Twin Otter International, C130H - WFF Photometer Aerosol, H2O, O3, Optical Depth, NO2


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