When the dust that wafts off the Sahel and Sahara regions of Africa mixes with tropical clouds, it creates what’s known as a rainy “disturbance” in the eastern Atlantic. These disturbances are hurricanes in their youngest form, and as they travel across the ocean, they can either dissipate or grow into powerful storms.
Please read!! This plan has a lot of information.
Plan of the day for Saturday, October 01
Packing day, for the rest! And getting ready for departure!
Shuttle service
1030 Hotel – Ops center
1300 Ops Center – Hotel
Plan of the day for Friday, September 30, 2022
- The time has come for you to start thinking about your return home (RDR pun intended). Please follow the ESPO logistics team email instructions about packing your sea and air shipments. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact any of your friendly ESPO Reps.
- For those ferrying back to the US on the DC8, more information will be shared today and tomorrow to make this transition as seamless as possible.
- No forecasting or flight planning.
Plan of the day for Thursday, September 29, 2022
Shuttle Schedule
0245 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team participating in pre-flight activities)
0330 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team, aircrew, forecasters)
0915 Ops Center to Hotel
1630 Ops Center to Hotel (Science Team, aircrew return run)
0130 Mission Science Weather brief in preparation for the flight (Hilton Conference Room)
0230 Go/no go decision (final call will be on WhatsApp).
Revised POD
0330 Forecasting and flight planning (webex link)
0415 Shuttle Ops center to Hotel
Thursday, September 29
Plans for Science flight #12 TBD
Plan of the day for Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Shuttle Schedule
0015 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team participating in pre-flight activities)
0100 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team, aircrew)
0915 Ops Center to Hotel (Forecaster team return run)
1400 Ops Center to Hotel (Science Team, aircrew return run)
2300 Mission Science Weather brief in preparation for the flight (Hilton Conference Room)
0000 Go/no go decision (final call will be on WhatsApp).
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 (Revised)
No flight today. Aircraft access only.
Shuttle Schedule
0515 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team, aircrews, and forecaster team)
0915 Ops Center to Hotel (Forecaster team return run)
1000 Ops Center to Hotel (Science Team, aircrew return run)
No fly day
General Schedule
0600 Daily Forecast Briefing (webex link)
0600-0930 Aircraft Access for instrument teams
0630 Flight Planning
Monday, September 26, 2022
Shuttle Schedule (Revised)
0015 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team participating in pre-flight activities)
0100 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team, aircrew)
0300 Hotel to Ops Center (Forecaster team shuttle) new
0915 Ops Center to Hotel (Forecaster team return run)
1215 Ops Center to Hotel (Science Team, aircrew return run)
Plan of the Day
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Shuttle Schedule
0515 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team, aircrews, and forecaster team)
0915 Ops Center to Hotel
1000 Ops Center to Hotel
No fly day
General Schedule
0600 Daily Forecast Briefing (webex link)
0600-0830 Aircraft Access for instrument teams
0630 Flight Planning
0830 Egress Training
Time TBD: We intend to have a science scorecard discussion
Plan of the Day
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Aircraft Hard Down Day
No shuttles. No Ops Center. No weather brief.
Looking ahead:
Sunday, September 25, 2022
General Schedule
No fly day
0600: Daily Forecast Briefing (webex link)
0630: Flight Planning
Time TBD: We intend to have a science scorecard discussion
Time TBD: Aircraft Access