CPEX-CV 09/29/22 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the day for Thursday, September 29, 2022
Shuttle Schedule
0245 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team participating in pre-flight activities)
0330 Hotel to Ops Center (Science Team, aircrew, forecasters)
0915 Ops Center to Hotel
1630 Ops Center to Hotel (Science Team, aircrew return run)
0130 Mission Science Weather brief in preparation for the flight (Hilton Conference Room)
0230 Go/no go decision (final call will be on WhatsApp).
General Schedule - Flight #12
0400 Science instrument pre-flight begins
0430 Head down to the FBO lounge for the pre-flight briefing
0500 Pre-flight Brief (at the FBO hall) past the metal detectors
0600 DC-8 Door closes
0630 DC-8 Take off Science Flight #12
0600 Daily Forecast briefing
0630 Flight planning
~1530  DC-8 lands
~1600  Postflight brief
Friday, September 30
Plan TBD