IMPACTS 01/11/22 Mission Daily Schedule

IMPACTS Plan of the Day for Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
General announcements

  • Don’t forget to do your daily health screening (click here)
  • For the long range science plans, visit the IMPACTS field catalog (updated regularly)
  • Continue attending the daily briefings online if possible
  • Wear your masks at all time and maintain social distance

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
0900      Weather brief -  Click here for WebEx. Please consider attending virtually to the weather briefings whenever possible.
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
0800 – 1400 Instrument access to the P-3  
Pope AAF/ER-2
Local Announcements:

  • Please continue to attend the daily weather brief from a remote location if you are not actively doing instrument work at Pope.
  • Photography in the direction of the Pope AAF flight line is prohibited.
  • If you don’t need to work on your instrument, please stay in your hotel

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
0830 – 1630       Aircraft access. Please stay in your hotel room if no instrument access is needed
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
0830 – 1630       Aircraft access. Please stay in your hotel room if no instrument access is needed
Friday Jan 14, 2022
0830 – 1630       Aircraft access. Please stay in your hotel room if no instrument access is needed
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Hard Down day - No aircraft access.
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Aircraft access TBD
ESPO on site: Wallops (PMVidal Salazar, PCLynn Kennedy), Pope AAF (DPM: Caitlin MurphyDPM: Erin CzechLogStevie PhothisaneITSam Kim)