Associated content: 

Flight Planners and Forecasters

Watching the last leg of WB-57 transit from Kwajalein to Guam

Tumon Bay, Guam from WB-57

WB-57 Fly By After Returning from 1st Science Flight

WB-57 landing at Guam from Kwajalein

Cloud Tops from the WB-57

POSIDON 10/17/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, October 17th  - No Fly Day

0730-1000 Aircraft Access with power. 
1000 Science/Weather Brief:  PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE
Short science presentations will be given by Shang Liu and Drew Rollins
If you have data you would like to present at a future science meeting, contact Ru-Shan.
1100 - Marilyn will poll teams to determine afternoon access requirements.
1615-1930 Aircraft Access window as needed.

POSIDON 10/16/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Accomplishments: Science Flight #3 Underway
Sunday, October 16th - Down Day
Monday, October 17th  - No Fly Day
0715-0930 Aircraft Access with power. 
1030 Science/Weather Brief
1200 - Marilyn will poll teams to determine afternoon access requirements.
1615-1930 Aircraft Access window as needed.

POSIDON 10/15/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Science Flight #2 Underway

Saturday, October 15th -Flight Day - Science Flight #3
0700-0800 Instrument Upload
0800 Science Go/No Go Decision
0830 Mission Brief (Ru-Shan will represent Science.  Each instrument team can let Ru-Shan know their instrument fly status.)
1030 Estimated Take-off
1600 Estimated Landing
1630 Post Flight Brief (Send rep or inform Ru-Shan instrument update so download is not delayed)
1700-1830 Instrument Download


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