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Katie Stern And Fran Becker At Hunter

IMPACTS Tim Briefing Visitors From Gulfstream At Hunter

Lynn McMurdie And Vidal Salazar

Peter Pantina Lihua Li Ian Adams

Satellite Overpass Flight Operations RF#3

Andrew DeLaFrance Chip Helms Stephen Nicholls

NASA Launches In-Depth Snow Study—First in 30 Years

The last time NASA carried out an in-depth study of winter storms in the heavily populated Northeast, the Berlin Wall had just come down and George H.W. Bush occupied the White House. That changed in mid-January when a team led by University of Washington researcher Lynn McMurdie began a six-week campaign to better understand how snow bands form and evolve.

NASA embarks on five US expeditions targeting air, land and sea

NASA is sending five airborne campaigns across the United States in 2020 to investigate fundamental processes that ultimately impact human lives and the environment, from snowstorms along the East Coast to ocean eddies off the coast of San Francisco.

Winter Storm Research Gets a Local Helping Hand

Winter snow in the Northeast is quickly catching up with death and taxes in terms of guarantees. We may catch a lucky break every now and then (see: current winter) but more often than not, we get quite powdery from December to March - sometimes in November and April too!

NASA Snow-Chasers Fixed to Travel Into Winter Storms to Inquire The Inner Workings

With snow undermining access to streets, work, and school, snowfall is one of the essential winter climate marvels on the U.S. East Coast. It’s likewise one of the hardest to anticipate.This month NASA is sending a group of researchers, a large group of ground instruments, and two research airplanes to consider the internal activities of blizzards.


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