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ATTREX 12/18/12 Daily Schedule

12/18 Accomplishments:
DLH, Mini-DOAS, FCDP, HU/PCRS installed
Mini-DOAS performed on aircraft alignment
Preparations for outdoor iridium test on 12/19

12/19 Plans:
Perform outdoor iridium test with all instruments present installed on the aircraft (tentative start time 7:30)
Head for home

ATTREX 12/17/12 Daily Schedule

12/17 Accomplishments:
HU/PCRS completed their environmental and SIL bench testing
UCATS checked the linearity of their calibrations with the electron capture detectors (ECD)
GWAS continued lab set up and check out and canister cleaning
MPCS unit retracted pin fixed
Ballast heat load (on lighter weight support pallet) installed

12/18 Plans:
Reinstall the MPCS unit
Integrate PCRS
Reinstall DLH, Mini-DOAS, FCDP, UCATS, SSFR sensors
Preparations for outdoor iridium test on 12/19

ATTREX 12/16/12 Daily Schedule

12/16 Accomplishments:
HP/PCRS solved their problems and the system is working properly
UCATS continued system check out work
GWAS continued lab set up and check out and canister cleaning

12/17 Plans:
Perform PCRS environmental chamber test
Reinstall FCDP power/data box on zone 25 pallet
Install Mini-DOAS and perform telescope alignment

ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation

HUPCRS vibration testing

ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation

Dave at work.

ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation

miniDOAS team

ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation

HUPCRS Fit check

ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation


ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation

AWAS Laboratory

ATTREX 2013 DFRC Campaign Preparation

UCATS Instrument


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