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Filling balloon prior to sonde launch in Yellowknife

Orthodox-style churches are found throughout central-eastern Alberta.

Natural scene from Cold Lake, Alberta around 10 pm in late June 2008.

DC-8 Group photo from Cold Lake, Alberta, July 2008.

P-3, Flight Planning, ESPO, and HQ teams in front of NASA P-3, July 8, 2008.

The End of Mission Party continues at Club 41.

End of Mission Party at the Cold Lake Officer's Club, Friday, July 11.

NASA DC-8 and P-3 upon arrival in 4 Wing Cold Lake, June 26, 2008

Fire behavior exhibited by fires N of Lake Athabasca, as observed by the NASA P3 at 1500h LDT on June 28, 2008. A typical developing convection column (smoke plume), about 4Km iheight is visible on the right side of the photo.

Boreal fires near Athabaska Lake, Canada


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