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GLEAM (ABACATE) EPSCoR with Univ. Puerto Rico Mayaguez

Science deployment

Sea Grass Dynamics Testflight at Crows Landing - PI: Herwitz

Check-out flight for an imaging spectrometer and associated systems

Tidal Study - Andrea Donnellan

2 sorties to get high and low tide effects:

We'd like to fly over latitude 34.106 and latitude –117.496 as close to high tide and low tide during a new moon or full moon. Relevant flight line is 08523. Looking at the solid earth tides it looks like the best day would be:

2011-10-27 12:54 UTC 7.32 feet High Tide
2011-10-27 19:09 UTC -0.25 feet Low Tide

Pilot Proficiency Flights


Coordinated with ER-2 Missions

Pilot Prof Flights for Ryan/Steele


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