Dear FIREX Team,
The schedule distributed on Monday has been further updated and is attached. The news is good. We now have access on 12-13 July. Now is the time to proceed with your travel plans. Please note the following:
Dear FIREX Team,
The schedule distributed on Monday has been further updated and is attached. The news is good. We now have access on 12-13 July. Now is the time to proceed with your travel plans. Please note the following:
Dear FIREX Team,
The promised update to the DC8 schedule is attached. It provides the most complete information we have at this time. Please note the following:
Dear FIREX Team,
I have an update about DC8 schedule/access in Palmdale.
Friday, 6/21, Accomplishments
PTR-MS and CIT-CIMS continued to refine their installations
No weekend A/C access (except CIT-CIMS servicing)
We will provide updated schedule information when it becomes available. Crew is waiting for O2 parts receipt and cleaning.
The Land’s End logo is ready. See:
Friday, 6/21, Plans:
0600 – 1630 A/C access
No weekend access (except CIT-CIMS servicing)
Jim’s email yesterday still provides the latest schedule information. We will provide an update when there is new information.
Thursday, 6/20, Plans:
0600 Access, with possible concurrent O2 system work
1730 Access ends
Longer Term Outlook: See Jim Crawford’s email, today, for a July schedule through transit.
Please contact your Palmdale hotel ASAP and change your reservations as necessary.
FIREX-AQ Investigators,
Given the situation, we will continue to provide updates as information comes available. This message is to build upon the nominal schedule that we communicated to you on Monday. The information in that earlier message is still valid, but here we offer more detail on what to expect. This tentative schedule is also shown graphically in the attachment.
FIREX-AQ Investigators,
There has been another significant change in the DC-8 schedule that will affect test flights and SARP. After a day of conversations and assessments of the situation here in Palmdale, we want to provide another update on the situation. The schedule provided below is a best guess based on outlooks for completing DC-8 maintenance and upgrades to the oxygen system on the plane. As always, stay flexible and provide feedback on these updates to the plan as they affect you and your team.