ATTREX 02/04/14 Daily Schedule


- Ku testing has confirmed the need for a Ku-HPA replacement, which will begin immediately.

- Next flight is now pushed to Thursday, 0700 takeoff.


Today’s activities:

- Performed Engine Wash, and outdoor OmniSTAR and Ku testing

- Reviewed DFRC/NGC data analysis of the Aborted T.O. with GH Chief Engineer

- KU HPA replacement to begin on aircraft

- MTP to be re-installed on aircraft on non-interference with Ku activity


The Plan for tomorrow (Wednesday) is:

- 0600 – TBD: Complete KU HPA replacement and testing

- ~noon (TBD): Instrument Pre-flight activity (2-hr period..  time’s TBD, standby for notice)


The Plan for Thursday is:

- 0000 – 0300: Day-of-Flight Instr. Preflight by PCRS, Mini-DOAS, and DLH.

  o Instrument Team hands-off at 0200

- 0500: T-0 Briefing with GH Team & Science Leads (Building 18006, Rm 15)

- 0545: Staffing of PMOF and GHMOF by Instr. Teams and Flt Crew

- 0600: Engine Start

- 0700: Take-off for 14-hr flight (2100 Z, Wed)

- 2100: Estimated Landing time (1100 Z, Thurs)

- (Except for very limited Z-25 access to turn-off gases - there will be no other instrument access after the landing)



- Friday is post-flight on instruments

- Assuming flight is Thursday, proposed Science Flt 2 will be 72 hrs after Science Flt 1