The Ames Sunphotometer Satellite Group website is undergoing a major upgrade that began Friday, October 11th at 5:00 PM PDT. The new upgraded site will be available no later than Monday, October 21st. Until that time, the current site will be visible but logins are disabled.
Alexander Ignatov
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Business Address:
Office of Research and Applications
Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304
United StatesFirst Author Publications:
- Ignatov, A., et al. (2006), Consistency of global MODIS aerosol optical depths over ocean on Terra and Aqua CERES SSF data sets, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14202, doi:10.1029/2005JD006645.
- Ignatov, A., et al. (2005), Two MODIS Aerosol Products over Ocean on the Terra and Aqua CERES SSF Datasets, J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 1008-1031.
Co-Authored Publications:
- Liu, G., et al. (2014), Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Remote Sensing, 6, 11579-11606, doi:10.3390/rs61111579.
- Smirnov, A., et al. (2006), Ship-based aerosol optical depth measurements in the Atlantic Ocean: Comparison with satellite retrievals and GOCART model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L14817, doi:10.1029/2006GL026051.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the
ESD Publications database are listed here.