A solar tracking Direct beam Irradiance Airborne Spectrometer (DIAS) is used for calculation of line of sight ozone and wavelength dependent aerosol optical depths.
Instrument Type
Recent Missions
(DC-8 - AFRC)
Point(s) of Contact
Measurement Details
Range of Measurement
Integrated slant column
Instrument Pointing
Solar tracking
Measurement Wavelengths
280-650 nm
Additional Information
This instrument uses solar tracking direct beam UV/visible irradiance to determine wavelength dependent aerosol optical depth and slant ozone column
Russell, P.B., et al. (2005), Aerosol optical depth measurements by airborne sun photometer in SOLVE II: Comparisons to SAGE III, POAM III and airborne spectrometer measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 1311-1339, doi:10.5194/acp-5-1311-2005.