ARCSIX 08/09/24 Mission Daily Schedule

POD August 9, 2024 —  (SF#8 P-3 and Spec, Inc. LearJet, SF#4 G-III)

Successful SF#7 for the P-3 and Learjet, and SF#3 for the G-III. 
ARCSIX-2 group photo in front of Hangar 8 with all aircrafts after P-3 lands (~4pm) 
ARCSIX Open House Sunday, Aug 11 from 0900 - 1100

0415 - Go No-Go (WhatsApp message, Flight Ops Channel) 
0930 - Forecasting and Flight Planning, Danish School (Hybrid)
1600 - Flight Debrief (Hangar 8 conference room)

P-3 Schedule:
0430 - P-3 Power and Instrument Access (if No-go revert to 0800-1600 access)
0700 - Preflight Briefing (Hangar 8 conference room)
0720 - Doors Close 
0800 - Takeoff
~1545 - Landing (approximate time)
1600 - Flight Debrief Brief (Hangar 8 conference room)

G-III Schedule:
0841 - Estimated earliest potential takeoff
~1400 - Landing (approximate time)

Lear Schedule:
0815 - Estimated earliest potential takeoff
~1200 - Landing (approximate time)