Atmospheric Tomography Mission
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DC-8 Prepped for Takeoff in Anchorage [10.04.17]

DC-8 Ready to leave Anchorage [10.04.17]

Anchorage Key Airport Sites [10.03.17]

DC-8 in Anchorage [10.03.17]

ATom 10/04/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 10/4 
15:25              Aircraft arrived Kona

Thursday, 10/5 Plan
08:00-16:00    A/C access
09:00              Weather/chem brief in hotel (next to business center)
10:00              Flight planning meeting (same location)

For aircraft access be sure to wear your vest and have your ATom badge.
Access to a/c through either ASH gate or State gate (to the left of ASH gate).
Will have Hawaiian Air a/c unit (at least in the a.m.)
Dry ice delivery in a.m. as well

ATom 10/01/17 Mission Daily Schedule

The DC-8 arrived at Anchorage at approximately 18:00L today after a successful 10-hour science flight, which got as far north as 72.5ºN and included a missed approach at Barrow. All instruments operated nominally with the exception of PALMS, which had a laser failure. The team will install the spare laser tomorrow and the instrument should be back up and running. 

Monday, 10/2 Plan

ATom 10/02/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, 10/2 Accomplishments

  • PALMS laser head replaced. The instrument is receiving data but still needs a few hours of work tomorrow.
  • Work done on CAPS probe to mitigate moisture issue.
  • WAS snakes and Medusa cans from PMD - ANC flight offloaded and sent back to Irvine and La Jolla.

Tuesday, 10/3 Plan

  • 08:00 - 16:00 Aircraft access

ATom-3 on the way [10.01.17]

DC-8 Take Off from Palmdale [10.01.17]

DC-8 ATom-3 Deployment Begins [10.01.17]


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