ATom 10/01/17 Mission Daily Schedule

The DC-8 arrived at Anchorage at approximately 18:00L today after a successful 10-hour science flight, which got as far north as 72.5ºN and included a missed approach at Barrow. All instruments operated nominally with the exception of PALMS, which had a laser failure. The team will install the spare laser tomorrow and the instrument should be back up and running. 

Monday, 10/2 Plan

  • 08:00 - 16:00 Aircraft access

A Pegasus ramp employee will at the door on the north side of the hangar tomorrow. Wear your ATom badge and knock on the door to be let in. The parking lot off of Lockheed Ave adjacent to the north entrance is available for our use. Contrary to my previous statement, hi-vis vests are optional as long as we remain in the hangar.

Note that the aisle next to the PALMS station on the aircraft will be blocked while the instrument is being repaired, so if you need to move any large items past the PALMS rack tomorrow, please do so first thing in the morning.