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AV-1 rolling into D1 (08.14.13)

HS3 08/15/13 Daily Schedule

Dry Run continues daily through 08/16 (this Friday) at 0800 PDT/1100 EDT

On Saturday we commence regular Forecast briefings at 0830 and 2030 EDT



AV-6 Goals:

Thursday Aug 15:  

AV-6 Ferry

1700 Engine Start

1800 Take Off

Shipping - Coordinate with Dave Jordan on details

Friday August 16: truck shipment departs


HS3 08/14/13 Daily Schedule

Dry Run continues daily through 08/16 (this Friday) at 0800 PDT/1100 EDT

On Saturday we commence regular Forecast briefings at 0830 and 2030 EDT



AV-6 Goals:

Pending: Nose camera lens installation and checkout

Thursday Aug 15:  

AV-6 Ferry

1700 Engine Start

1800 Take Off

Shipping - Coordinate with Dave Jordan on details

HS3 08/13/13 Daily Schedule

Dry Run continues daily through 08/16 (this Friday) at 0800 PDT/1100 EDT



AV-6 Goals:

Pending: Nose camera lens installation and checkout

AV-1 Goals:

Tuesday Aug 13:  AV-1 Ferry

1700 Engine Start

1800 Take Off

Wednesday Aug 14:  

AV6 Instrument Access for preflight (1000-1300)

Aircraft preflight

Bringing in AV-1 (8.14.13)

AV-1 in D1 Hangar (8.14.13)

AV-1 Arrives WFF (8.14.13)

AV-1 Science Team in the GHOCE POR (8.14.13)

AV-1 Touch Down at WFF (8.14.13)


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