HS3 08/13/13 Daily Schedule

Dry Run continues daily through 08/16 (this Friday) at 0800 PDT/1100 EDT



AV-6 Goals:

Pending: Nose camera lens installation and checkout

AV-1 Goals:

Tuesday Aug 13:  AV-1 Ferry

1700 Engine Start

1800 Take Off

Wednesday Aug 14:  

AV6 Instrument Access for preflight (1000-1300)

Aircraft preflight

AV-1 PI's coordinate shipping details with Dave Jordan by noon Wednesday

Thursday Aug 15:  truck staging and AV-6 Ferry

1700 Engine Start

1800 Take Off

Friday August 16: truck shipment departs



AV-6 Goals:

Pending: Nose camera lens installation and checkout

AV-1 Goals:

Tuesday Aug 13:  AV-1 Ferry

1930  PIs take places in GHOC – E

2000 Engine Start

2100 Take Off

Wednesday Aug 14

PIs must have a rep in GHOC-E at least 2 hrs prior to landing

(track on MTS to be aware of an early landing if it occurs)

0700 Landing 

TBD Instrument Access

1000 COMSEC brief (if landing is after 1000 briefing will be 1300)

Thursday Aug 15: AV-6 Ferry 

On site PIs check in with ESPO (757-824-7000) between 1300-1600

1930  PIs take places in GHOC – E 

2000 Engine Start     

2100 Take Off

Friday Aug 16:

0700 Landing

PIs must have a rep in GHOC-E at least 2 hrs prior to landing

(track on MTS to be aware of an early landing if it occurs)

TBD Instrument Access

Possible COMSEC brief