Daily Schedule

AJAX Schedule 11-26-13
MMS calibration:
1825 UTC (1025 local)Pre-flight begins
1915 UTC (1115 local)Hands off
1935 UTC (1135 local)Engine start
2000 UTC (1200 local)Takeoff
2115 UTC (1315 local)     RTB

Monday 11/18/13

1215  Hands off
1235  Engine Start
1300  Takeoff
1430  RTB
Proposed science flight - Sacramento and Walnut Grove

Friday Nov 15, 2013
9:30 am    Pod assembly in N-245
10:00      Pod load at hangar (Brian - adjustments
                certainly possible if you need to change)
10:25      Pre-flight begins
11:30      Hands off (party arrives 11:30; if they are
                early, we may be able to shorten preflight if it's not as
                cold out as it was this morning!)
11:50      Engine start
12:15      Take off
                 Laura can call ATC
14:20      ETA
15:05      Begin data discussion

Thursday Nov 14, 2013

1600  - New Back-Seater Familiarization - at the aircraft

AJAX flight is scheduled for Monday 11/4, headed to
Edwards AFB for a vertical profile over a ground-based
"satellite simulator" there. We are aiming for the
folllowing schedule:
Hands Off        10:40
Engine Start    11:00
Take Off            11:25
Estimated RTB: 13:15


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