The Ames Sunphotometer Satellite Group website is undergoing a major upgrade that began Friday, October 11th at 5:00 PM PDT. The new upgraded site will be available no later than Monday, October 21st. Until that time, the current site will be visible but logins are disabled.
Mario Rana
NASA Langley Research Center
Analytical Mechanics Associates
Business Address:
Hampton, VA 23681
United StatesCo-Authored Publications:
- Halliday, H., et al. (2019), Using Short‐Term CO/CO2 Ratios to Assess Air Mass Differences Over the Korean Peninsula During KORUS‐AQ, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 10,951-10,972, doi:10.1029/2018JD029697.
- Sachse, G., et al. (1999), Polarization-Modulated Gas Correlation Radiometer for Solar Occupation Measurements of the Atmosphere, Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, OSATechnical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1999), paper RWC2.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the
ESD Publications database are listed here.