S-MODE 04/17/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the S-MODE Plan of the Day for Monday, April 17:

  • Sally Ride is conducting a medium-scale scouting survey in the eastern (inflow) part of the ops domain. A Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP) is being used to provide quick coverage of underwater structure. The biology team has been sampling underway, and operating the pySAS radiometer on the bow of the ship.
  • All three S-MODE aircraft were hard down today, although the PRISM team did some instrument work, and their hangar calibration was set up, which is expected to be completed tonight.

Aircraft plan and schedule:

  • DopplerScatt and MASS also plan to scout the eastern part of the ops area with afternoon takeoffs. The G-III needs a tire change, and expects to receive it early tomorrow, although the domain looks to be fairly cloudy tomorrow anyway.
  • 1130: Preflight meeting for B200 SF#9
  • NET 1200: MASS TO SF#5 takeoff
  • NET 1200: G-III SF#3 takeoff (pending completion of aircraft maintenance)
  • NET 1300: B200 SF#10 takeoff

 Ship and in situ plan:

  • The Sally Ride will likely continue the scouting survey tomorrow, potentially focusing more closely on small-scale eddies and instabilities that may be present in the inflow front.

 Meeting schedule: