BioSCape 11/14/23 Mission Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day
Wednesday, 15 November (All times local)

0500 -- SSUN to FBO (8-9 pax) GIII team 
0600 -- SSUN to FBO (~2 Pax) GV Mx
0630 -- FBO to SSUN (1 Pax) GV Mx
0630 -- G3 Go/No-go call at SSUN  
0700 -- GV Go/No-go call at SSUN   
0700 -- GIII Takeoff (SF# 15) - flight plan below*
0730 -- SSUN to FBO (~3 Pax) GV crew
0730 -- FBO to SSUN - GIII MX (2-3 pax)
0900 -- GV Takeoff (SF# 16) - flight plan below**
0930 -- FBO to SSUN (2 Pax) GV Mx
1100 -- SSUN to FBO - GIII MX (2 pax)
TBD (GIII landing + 1hr) ~1230 (8-9 Pax) GIII Team
1330 -- SSUN to FBO (2 Pax) GV Mx
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
TBD  (GV landing + 30’) ~1530 FBO to SSUN (3 Pax) GV crew
1800 -- SSUN to FBO (1 Pax) GV Mx
1830 -- FBO to SSUN (2 Pax) GV Mx
*G-III Science objectives: 
Science Objectives: Box 17 is a high priority aquatic target with early solar window.  There are two buoys and potentially one boat in the water.  Boxes 14 and 13 are terrestrial targets that had cloudy acquisitions previously.  Box 30 is another terrestrial target that has not yet been flown.  Box 19 is a calibration buoy in a lake. 
Plan A: 
TO: NET 0700
G3_box17_AM: L04, L03, L02, L01 in that priority order 
(on target NET 7:45, NLT 9:36) @ FL370
G3_14 (pickup): L01-L04 @ FL160
G3_13_L01 (pickup) @ FL160 (if there's time)
G3_30:  L01-L02 @ FL210 (if there’s time)
G3_19_PM @ FL at discretion
Plan B (lines can be flown in any order with a priority on Box 29 & 19): 
TO: Delayed to 0845
G3_29: L01-L13 (Kogelberg) @ FL160 NET 0900
G3_30:  L01-L02 @ FL210
G3_13_L01 @ FL160 (if there’s time)
G3_14: L01-L04 @ FL160 (if there’s time)
G3_7_L04 @FL160 (if there’s time)
G3_19_PM @ FL at discretion
**G-V Science objectives: 
Science Priorities: 1) G5_12 (both HyTES & LVIS) which has vegetation plots throughout and 2) clean up lines on G5_7, which also has vegetation plots throughout.  This plan also includes passing over the calibration buoy. 
G5_25: R500AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team
G5_19: D950AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team
G5_12 LVIS: D204AZ-D219AZ @ FL240
G5_12 HYTES: D251AZ-D255AZ @ FL170          
G5_7 HYTES: B750AZ-B754AZ @ FL170 (will likely not have time but just in case)
G5_2 LVIS: B220AZ-B227AZ @ FL 240 (will likely not have time but just in case)
G5_19 HYTES: D950AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team (only if you didn’t get it in the morning) 
G5_2 HYTES: H650AZ-H657AZ @ FL 160 (higher priority)
G5_2 LVIS: B220AZ-B227AZ @ FL 240 (lower priority, do as many as you can)
G5_2 LVIS: B228AZ-B235AZ @ FL 240  (lower priority, do as many as you can)
G5_19 HYTES: D950AZ @ FL at crew discretion
LVIS RNP can be done over ocean whenever you find a chance.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:

  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539 

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (
Meeting Link:
0630 & 0700 Go/No-Go:” 
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa
1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: “” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa