ATTREX 12/11/12 Daily Schedule

12/11 Accomplishments:
NOAA water vapor completed shake test and mechanical integration
UCATS completed weight & power checks, SIL Bench testing and mechanical integration
Mini-DOAS completed SIL Bench tests and the new rubber gasket (keeps moisture from getting into telescopes) is complete and has been fit checked and okay'd by the Mini-DOAS team
DLH window frame (new, due to DLH changes) was fit checked, worked and is out for paint
GWAS was completed on aircraft iridium and Ku simulation checks and began setting up their analysis lab
PCRS continued their bench check outs of each of their components; installation details (match drill zone 25 pallet, pot inserts for their main enclosure and gain flexibility in existing mounts for pump box and gas deck units)
FDCP began their on aircraft iridium and Ku simulation checks (issues on the hangar side of things surfaced and are being worked on) and will be sending the Hawkeye back to SPEC to fly on their Learjet

12/12 Plans:
FCDP will complete on aircraft iridium and Ku checks
NOAA water vapor will conduct on aircraft iridium and Ku checks
UCATS will continue on aircraft iridium and Ku checks
MMS will conduct on aircraft iridium and Ku checks
Mini DOAS will be conducting off aircraft alignment
DLH will be performing off aircraft alignment
PCRS will be performing SIL Bench testing and preparing, and if things go well beginning vibration tests
MTP will be conducting on aircraft alignment