ATTREX 03/07/14 Daily Schedule

Summary of remaining Schedule today:

 - 2000*: Landing (*Note: Adjust schedule accordingly if landing occurs at a different time)

 -2015: Aircraft towed back to Hangar and weighed

 -2030 - 2130: Science Instrument Post-flight (with VTC and Data-IT support)

 - 2130 – 0100: Engine wash, refueling, re-weighing

 - ~0100 – 0115: GH Crew supports NOAA H2O & UCATS removal (if needed)

 - 0130: Aircraft towed to Hangar 6

Plan for Tomorrow, Saturday:

 - GH Crew Down Day

Current Plan for Sunday is Preflight:

 -0630: Aircraft retrieved from USAF GH Hangar

 -0730: Daily GH/ATTREX Leads Meeting in Hangar

 -0900 – 1200: Science Instrument Pre-flight (with VTC and Data-IT support)