ATTREX 03/06/14 Daily Schedule

Current Plan for today is Post-flight and Preflight:

 -0700: Request GH Crew assist NOAA H2O to be removed from Aircraft

 -0730: Daily ATTREX/GH Leads mtg in Hangar

 -0800 – 1000: Aircraft outside for Satcom testing with DFRC GHOC

 -1000 – 1400: Science Preflight with Aircraft VTC and Data-IT support

 o Post-flight/Preflight as needed most instruments

 - 1930 – 2230: Science Pre-launch Preflight (no VTC Power or IT support)

 o Evening Pre-flight schedule for DOAS, DLH, PCRS, NOAA H2O is:

 - 2230: GH Crew arrives for Aircraft prep.

Current Plan for Friday is Science Flt #4 with the following proposed schedule:

 -T-0 Briefing at 0130 in the Hangar

 oPMOF Staffing @ 0215

 - Engine Start @ 0230

 oPin Pull @ 0250

 - Takeoff @ ~0315 (1715 Z, Tuesday)

 - Landing @ 2015 (17-hr flight)