ATTREX 03/05/14 Daily Schedule

Current Plan for Wednesday is Science Flt #3:

 -T-0 Briefing at 0130 in the Hangar

 o   PMOF Staffing @ 0225

 -Engine Start @ 0240

 o   Pin Pull @ 0305

 -Takeoff @ ~0320 (1730 Z, Tuesday)

 -Landing @ 1620 (13-hr flight)

Special Take-off Note:

 - If crosswinds are too strong (which is possible) at 0320 for Takeoff…

 - Aircraft will be shut down and we will shift the Engine Start, etc by 3 hours (to match the next DOP)

 o   PMOF Staffing #2 @ 0525

 o   Engine Start #2 @ 0540

 o   Takeoff @ 0620

 o   Landing is still scheduled for 1620 (10-hr flight)