ATTREX 02/28/14 Daily Schedule

Today’s flight has been cancelled due to the current wind intensity being significantly out of limits, as well as a low cloud ceiling.

The current schedule is:

-Instruments remain in a pre-flight condition.

-Evening Pre-flight by DOAS, DLH, PCRS:

 o   1800 – 2100: Instrument “Day-of-Flt” Preflight

-Evening Pre-flight for instruments requiring Aircraft VTC Power and Data-IT support:

 o   2000 – 2100

Schedule for Science Flt #3:

-          Go/NoGo Announcement at 2300 – monitor e-mails

-          T-0 Briefing @ 0015 (Hangar)

 o   PMOF Staffing @ 0110

-          Engine Start @ 0120

 o   Pin Pull @ 0145

-Takeoff @ 0200

 o   Landing @ 1900 (17-hr flight)