ATTREX 02/24/14 Daily Schedule

Today’s Activities:

-Inmarsat Antenna has been replaced and tested in the Hangar

-Outdoor Inmarsat and Ku Testing being conducted this afternoon.

-NOAA H2O and UCATS will come off the aircraft at 4:00 PM (or later) today.

- The aircraft will remain in the Hangar this evening – with standard FireWatch


Plan for tomorrow, Tuesday

- Morning: Aircraft may be defueling (if deemed necessary) for valve replacement

- 1200 – 1600: Aircraft Power and Data-IT for instrument activity

 o   DOAS to use 3-hrs for Instrument Checkout and P.I. Training

 o   SSFR may perform tests (TBD)

 o   Other instruments are welcome to use this opportunity.



-Current best estimate for the next Science Flight is Thursday or Friday. We will keep you posted.