ATTREX 02/23/14 Daily Schedule


- Inmarsat repair pending arrival of replacement antenna tomorrow AM.

- Next Science Flight is scheduled for 0215 TakeOff Tuesday... 17 hour flt.


Plan for Tomorrow:

- 0600 - 0800: aircraft retrieved from Hangar 6, defueled to 65%

- 0730: Daily GH and ATTREX Leads Mtg in Hangar

- 0800 - 1100: Payload Preflight for those instruments NOT requiring Aircraft Power or Data-IT support. (External Power is allowed).

- 1030 - 1130: Inmarsat Antenna install and test

1300 - 1400: Aircraft outdoors for Inmarsat testing

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1900 - 2200: Preflight for all Instruments requiring aircraft Power and Data-IT support. This period also includes DLH, DOAS, and PCRS's normal Preflight. This period also includes SSFR which will require Zenith and Nadir Sensor access for a 3-hr Cal.


Science Flt #3 Schedule on Tuesday:

- T-0 Brief: 0030 in Hangar

- 0130: PMOF Staffing

- 0140: Engine Start

- 0155: Pin Pull - expecting good Nav's

- ~0215: Taxi and Take-off

- ~1900: Landing (~17-hr Flt)

- ~1945: Aircraft Weighed, Crew depanels Z-25 and Z-16 for Cal Gas shut-off.


Plan for Wed:

- 0730: GH and ATTREX Leads Mtg in Hangar

- 0800 - 1100: Instrument Postflight with Aircraft Power and Data-IT support.