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NASA's PACE satellite will tackle the largest uncertainty in climate science

The Economist - Small things can have big effects. Take the plant plankton that populate the Earth’s oceans. When zooplankton eat them, the phytoplankton release a chemical called dimethyl sulphide (dms) and it is this that people are referring to when they speak of the “smell of the sea”.  

People of PACE: Bridget Seegers Sails the Seas and... and Studies Them Too!

NASA GSFC - Bridget Seegers is an oceanographer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland and a team member for NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission.

NASA Climate Satellite Blasts off to Survey Oceans and Atmosphere of a Warming Earth

U.S. News & World Report - NASA’s newest climate satellite rocketed into orbit Thursday to survey the world’s oceans and atmosphere in never-before-seen detail.

SpaceX launched the Pace satellite on its $948 million mission before dawn, with the Falcon rocket heading south over the Atlantic to achieve a rare polar orbit.

How NASA's PACE mission hopes to examine oceanic and atmospheric mysteries

abc NEWS - While NASA is known for observing and researching outer space, the agency is also using a spacecraft to explore a frontier here on Earth -- the world's oceanic and atmospheric mysteries.

New NASA mission launches to observe "invisible universe" on Earth

(CNN) - A revolutionary new satellite that will provide an unprecedented look at Earth’s microscopic marine life and tiny atmospheric particles has launched.

Signal Acquired: NASA's PACE Spacecraft Begins Its Mission

NASA GSFC - NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) spacecraft has successfully made contact with ground stations back on Earth providing teams with early readings of its overall status, health, operation, and capabilities postlaunch.

NASA Launches New Climate Mission to Study Ocean, Atmosphere

NASA News- From its orbit hundreds of miles above Earth, NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Climate, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite will study microscopic life in the oceans and microscopic particles in the atmosphere to investigate key mysteries of our planet’s interconnected systems. 

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