Atmospheric Tomography Mission
Associated content: 

Rethinking the global secondary organic aerosol (SOA) budget: stronger production, faster removal, shorter lifetime

Cloud impacts on photochemistry: building a climatology of photolysis rates from the Atmospheric Tomography mission

Hall, S. R., et al. (2018), Cloud impacts on photochemistry: building a climatology of photolysis rates from the Atmospheric Tomography mission, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 16809-16828, doi:10.5194/acp-18-16809-2018.

Forecasting carbon monoxide on a global scale for the ATom-1 aircraft mission: insights from airborne and satellite observations and modeling

ATom team after final flight of the ATom-4 deployment [5.21.18]

How well can global chemistry models calculate the reactivity of short-lived greenhouse gases in the remote troposphere, knowing the chemical composition

Fast time response measurements of particle size distributions in the 3–60 nm size range with the nucleation mode aerosol size spectrometer

Global atmospheric chemistry – which air matters

Prather, M., et al. (2017), Global atmospheric chemistry – which air matters, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 9081-9102, doi:10.5194/acp-17-9081-2017.

An aerosol particle containing enriched uranium encountered in the remote T upper troposphere

Murphy, D., et al. (2018), An aerosol particle containing enriched uranium encountered in the remote T upper troposphere, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 184–185, 95-100, doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.01.006.

Avión de la Nasa sale a escanear la atmósfera sobre la Antártica

"El vuelo está planeado para durar aproximadamente 10 horas, saliendo a las 8 y retornando a Punta Arenas cerca de las 18. Usualmente llevamos alimentos, ya sea almuerzos en cajas o comprados en una tienda. Tenemos un microondas a bordo", cuenta Rebecca Hornbrook, investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigación Atmosférica (NCAR) de Boulder, Colorado.


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