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ROSCOE - Andrew Kupchock & Sebastian Calvo

ROSCOE - Andrew Kupchock & Sebastian Calvo

ACCLIP 07/30/21 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day, July 30, 2021
0730: All hand briefing , hangar 990
On aircraft integration begins.
N926 was released from Functional Check-flight. It has been turned over to ACCLIP. Pallets will be dropped tomorrow morning, maintenance will remove wing hatches as needed, and we’ll start power-on testing, install pressure lines (DLH), etc.
Weekend outlook:
Maintenance will likely be in on Saturday

ACCLIP 07/29/21 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day for July 29, 2021

•    N926NA functional check-flight is underway!
•    All hands brief at 0800, usual place.
•    We are standing by for any updates to JSC Center policy regarding use of masks indoors. Until told otherwise, we remain in the same posture: social distancing and mask wearing is optional for fully vaccinated personnel. If we were to go back to wearing masks indoors, ESPO has a supply of masks available. Stay tuned.

ACCLIP 07/28/21 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day, Wednesday, July 28


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