University of Maryland, Baltimore County
First Author Publications
Johnson, B.T., et al. (2016), The microwave properties of simulated melting precipitation particles: sensitivity to initial melting, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 9-21, doi:10.5194/amt-9-9-2016.
Johnson, B.T., et al. (2012), Microwave Properties of Ice-Phase Hydrometeors for Radar and Radiometers: Sensitivity to Model Assumptions, J. Appl. Meteor. Climat., 51, 2152-2171, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0138.1.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the ESD Publications database are listed here.
Co-Authored Publications
Jackson, G.S., et al. (2013), Detection Thresholds of Falling Snow From Satellite-Borne Active and Passive Sensors, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51, 4177-4189, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2227763.
Foster, J.L., et al. (2012), Passive microwave remote sensing of the historic February 2010 snowstorms in the Middle Atlantic region of the USA, Hydrol. Process., 26, 3459-3471, doi:10.1002/hyp.8418.
Jackson, G.S., and B.T. Johnson (2011), Surface and atmospheric contributions to passive microwave brightness temperatures for falling snow events, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D02213, doi:10.1029/2010JD014438.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the ESD Publications database are listed here.