KORUS-AQ 05/10/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, MAY 10th:
             Aircraft open 0800-1600
No Fly Day - LaRC UC12_B
No Fly Day expected - HU King Air 

Flight Planning Meeting: 0800 - 1000
Science Team Meeting: 1615-1715 

Wednesday, May 11th
Best Probable fly day - TBD

New arrivals – Please let ESPO know you are coming. Contact us at osan@espo.nasa.gov
We will meet you in the morning at 0745 in the Turumi Lodge Lobby.  From there you will be taken to the Pass and ID office for badging.

ESPO is collecting for KORUS T-Shirts.  $15.00 ea.  
Check your name on the list (Located on the counter next to the flight planning office) and pre-pay (CASH) by tomorrow at the science team meeting.  If you want one and are not here have a team member work out the payment for you.  NO Credit please.  

Note 3:
Osan is continuing the military exercise for the remainder of the week.  
Note 4:
For those who need egress training, we can take care of it tomorrow after the planning meeting.
NOTE 5: Kids visit tomorrow
~32 7th and 8th grade students from Osan Middle School and their teachers will be visiting the hangar tomorrow at 10:30AM.
We plan to split them into two groups of 16.  
We will take half through the DC-8 for about 30 minutes and the other half out to see the B-200's and then switch them.If you would like to talk about your instruments while the kids are on the DC-8, they will be onboard from ~10:30-11:45AM.  

School presentation - Volunteers
Sounds like this was a great success!!  Thank you to the Volunteers!!!
More school events to come…..you still have a chance to stay involved  - Contact  Emily Schaller,  e.schaller@nserc.und.edu 

X_Chat:  Volunteer for conversations with the school kids on X_CHAT  during flight  interacting with classrooms at Osan and around the world! Please contact Emily for the details.