KORUS-AQ 05/09/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the day – looking a few days ahead and general announcements…

NO FLY DAY - AFRC DC-8  (Weather issues)
No Fly Day - LaRC UC12_B
No Fly Day - HU King Air
Flight Planning Meeting: 0800 - 1000
Science Team Meeting: 1615-1715 
Tuesday, May 10th:
Possible Flight Day – TBD 
Wednesday, May 11th
Best Probable fly day - TBD

OSAN AB will have an ongoing military exercise May 9 – May  14.   You may be delayed getting to Building 1187. Plan accordingly.  NASA personnel are NOT a part of the exercise and should plan to carry on - business as usual.  Be sure to carry your ESPO supplied NASA-KORUS badge to present it to anyone who may asks why you are not complying with the exercise. 

School presentation - Volunteers
Please email Emily Schaller (e.schaller@nserc.und.edu) if you would like to volunteer or have questions.
Here is all the information about the school visits.
***KORUS-AQ School Visits Osan Middle School on Monday at 10AM & 12:15PM***
Planning meeting Sunday at 8PM in Turumi Lodge Lobby
Volunteer for conversations with the school kids on X_CHAT  during flight  interacting with classrooms at Osan and around the world! Please contact Emily for the details.