HS3 08/29/12 Daily Schedule

HS3 Dryden Plan of the week!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The landing gear issue was fixed today due to the hard work of the crew!

Thursday, August 30, 2012
After a preflight in the morning, the GH will do a short pilot proficiency flight. ETT 13:00, 1hr flight, up to FL 300
Friday, August 31, 2012
APCS and HAMSR data checkout
SaturdaySunday, and Monday 
Hard Down days and no access will be available to aircraft or Hangar.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
GH Preflight in morning with transit to Wallops early evening. Times to be announced later.
Wallops POD - All times EDT
Thursday, 8/30
WFF:  No PIs required until Tuesday.
Exact times TBD
The Range Fight requirement has been waived and transit of AV-6 to WFF is currently scheduled for Tuesday 9/4 evening to Wednesday morning.