HS3 08/12/13 Daily Schedule

Dry Run continues daily until 08/16 at 0800 PDT/1100 EDT



AV-6 Goals:

Pending: Nose camera lens installation and checkout

AV-1 Goals:

Monday Aug 12:  

AV1 Instrument Access for preflight (1000-1300)

AV-1 Aircraft preflight

Tuesday Aug 13:  AV-1 Ferry

1800 Engine Start

1900 Take Off

Wednesday Aug 14:  

AV6 Instrument Access for preflight (1000-1300)

Aircraft preflight

Thursday Aug 15:  AV-6 Ferry

1800 Engine Start

1900 Take Off



AV-6 Goals:

Pending: Nose camera lens installation and checkout

AV-1 Goals:

Monday Aug 12: No instrument PI activities

Orientation and safety brief for new arrivals.

Tuesday Aug 13:  AV-1 Ferry

1100 Daily Dry Run and Weather Brief - for WFF Wednesday Landing Weather

On site PIs check in with ESPO (757-824-7000) between 1300-1600

2030  PIs take places in GHOC – E

2100 Engine Start

2200 Take Off

Wednesday Aug 14

PIs must have a rep in GHOC-E at least 2 hrs prior to landing

(track on MTS to be aware of an early landing if it occurs)

0800 Landing 

TBD Instrument Access

Possible COMSEC brief

Thursday Aug 15: AV-6 Ferry 

On site PIs check in with ESPO (757-824-7000) between 1300-1600

2030  PIs take places in GHOC – E 

2100 Engine Start     

2200 Take Off

Friday Aug 16:

0800 Landing

PIs must have a rep in GHOC-E at least 2 hrs prior to landing

(track on MTS to be aware of an early landing if it occurs)

TBD Instrument Access

Possible COMSEC brief