FIREX-AQ 06/15/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, 6/15 Accomplishments:

  • A/C was outside and remains outside
  • CIT-CIMS, DACOM, LGR CO & LARGE performed maintenance, software checks, plumbing
  • DIAL calibrated
  • MMS/Data performed GPS checks
  • mini DOAS ran test scans and checked communications

Sunday, 6/16, Plans:
Lab access only, LN2 servicing
Monday, 6/17, Plans:
Plane outside if DIAL needs more calibration time: tbd
0600 A/C Access, with O2 work given priority
1730 Access ends
Management is hoping the A/C is ready to fly June 24; we assume access this week, subject to O2 work priority. Adjust your travel accordingly.
We will use WhatsApp to communicate to the science team members in Palmdale. If you are here or will be soon, and don’t have the software on your phone, please install it and contact Katie Stern at 650 440 8749.  
ATTN: CANOE, ISAF, ROZE, WAS - Send heater system schematics to Paul Martinez/Brennan Wehr. )
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong – even for your ground pressure systems.