FIREX-AQ 06/13/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, 6/13, Accomplishments:

  • CIT-CIMS, LINeph & Master performed instrument checks, integration/software refinements, calibration, maintenance
  • DIAL prepped for calibration
  • The neph plate was installed (LARGE nephelometers, Laser Imaging neph)
  • TOGA was successfully tuned
  • DACOM completed some plumbing installs, power checks, software mods

Friday, 6/14, Plans:
0700 A/C access concurrent with O2 work. Possible intermittent power and clearing the A/C of science staff
1530 access ends
Outlook (changed from yesterday; each day depends on prior outcomes): 
Saturday: 0700 A/C moved outside; science access to 15:30
Sunday: CIT-CIMS (only) LN2 servicing
Monday: 0600 A/C inside, followed by science access to 1730. SARP begins.
Tuesday: address actions from Tech Brief; Preventing Harassment Training (@1400 in room 211); Potential egress training session
Wed: Shake and prof flights; potential egress training session
Thurs: Science test flight
ATTN: CANOE, ISAF, ROZE, WAS - Send heater system schematics to Paul Martinez/Brennan Wehr.  
Sign your tip over sheets. Label gas bottles.
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong – even for your ground pressure systems.
Empty gas bottles need to be in the empty bottle area on the back side of building 716.
Everyone should bring their own drink cup/lid for use in the lab and on flights. There is no supply of disposable cups and lids for coffee/water.
Tools taken from community A/C tool box must be returned at the end of the day.
Keep the emergency shower area in the lab free from obstructions.
RSVP to the Google survey about the June 20 Reception.