FIREX-AQ 06/11/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 6/11, Accomplishments:
LARGE, TOGA, Mini-DOAS, CIT CIMS, MMS, LINeph & Master performed instrument checks, integration refinements, maintenance around the O2 system work (~0930 – 1500)
DIAL prepped for calibration

Wednesday, 6/12, Plans:
06:00 A/C access (O2 work likely to start before 8; estimated 2 hrs; time your arrival accordingly)
13:00 Lab meeting (daily)
17:30 Access ends
Outlook (unchanged from yesterday): 
Thursday: 06:00 A/C engine run (~1 hr); then laser calibrations and A/C access until 17:30
Friday: 07:00-15:30 laser calibrations and general A/C access, outside
Saturday: 07:00-15:30 A/C access, outside, button up your instruments

ATTN: CANOE, ISAF, NOAA PTR-MS, ROZE, SP2, WAS-- Send heater system schematics to Paul Martinez/Brennan Wehr. 
Everyone should bring their own drink cup/lid for use in the lab and on flights. There is no supply of disposable cups and lids for coffee/water.
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong – even for your ground pressure systems.
Keep the emergency shower area in the lab free from obstructions.
RSVP to the Google survey about the June 20 Reception.