FIREX-AQ 05/23/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, 6/23 Accomplishments
Continuation of instrument on A/C integration tasks
LARGE passed tipping moment requirement and is on A/C
PTR-MS instrument arrived, was unpacked and prepped for upload
MASTER prep work continues for instrument arrival on 6/3
Successfully navigated Foreign National escort audit

Friday, 6/24 Plan
06:00    A/C access
Continuation of instrument on A/C integration tasks
Upload PTR-MS 
Upload CARE, CAFS, mini-DOAS and LARGE shared rack
Determine Saturday A/C access requirements
17:30    A/C access ends

Send heater schematics to Brennan Wehr and Paul Martinez
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong
Put copies of approved drawings on rack clipboard