ATTREX 03/12/14 Daily Schedule


Science Flight #6 is ongoing…  Takeoff was at 1653 Z (0253 local) and landing is currently estimated to be at 0900 Z (1900 local).

Tomorrow morning will be Post-flight/Pre-flight of Instruments.

The Science / Transit flight back to AFRC will be Friday.

Today’s Remaining Activities:

-  ~1900: Currently estimated landing time (to be updated later in the flight)

-  GH Crew returns aircraft to Hangar for weight, and Instrument Gas Shutoff.

o   PCRS, DLH, and UCATS in Hangar for Cal. Gas Shutoff

o   Zone-25 and Z-14 (R2) to be removed temporarily after weighing for this access

- GH Crew performs post-flight of aircraft (engine wash, fuel, weigh, etc.)

-  Fire Watch needed late night to 0700 Tuesday, or aircraft towed to USAF GH Hangar (TBD)

Plan for tomorrow, Thursday, is Post-flight and Preflight:

-   0730: Daily ATTREX/GH Leads Mtg in Hangar

-  0800 – 1100: Science Post-flight AND Preflight (w/Aircraft VTC, and Data-IT support)

-  TBD: Pre-launch Instrument Pre-flight schedule... (based on Take-off time Friday).

Current Plan for Friday is Science Flt / Transit back to EAFB:

-   Schedule is TBD