ATTREX 02/10/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

  -Aircraft pre-flight complete – Flight tomorrow early AM

Today’s Activities:

 - Aircraft, GHMOF, and Science Instrument Preflight

 -Video Crew filmed activity in the Hangar with AAFB escort

The Plan for tomorrow (Tuesday) is:

 -2030 – 2330 (tonight): Day-of-Flight Inst. Pre-flight

 -0130: T-0 Briefing by Pilots, GH Crew, ATTREX Mission Science, etc.

 o   Briefing will be in GH Hangar 4, Room 3 (GH Crew Offices)

 -0215: PMOF Staffing

 -0230: Engine Start

 -0330: Taxi and Take-off

 -~1730: Landing (14-hr flight)

 -After return to the Hangar, the crew is requested to remove Z-25 Fairing for gas valve closure

The Plan for Wednesday is for Aircraft and Instrument Post-flight:

 -0600 - ~1100: GH Crew post-flights aircraft (weight, fuel, engine wash, weigh, de-panel)

 -~1100 - 1300: Access to instruments with aircraft power and Data-IT support