ATTREX 02/05/15 Mission Daily Schedule


CAST/ATTREX Instrument integration proceeding as scheduled. GHOST Installation is 2 days behind schedule… currently the only instrument not mounted.

  • Cabin Pressurization test completed
  • Avionics tie-up of harnesses ongoing
  • AIITS Pod mounted on the wing, preloads almost completed
  • CAST/ATTREX Leads Status/Flight Planning telecom held
  • Final pre-installation work on the GHOST Pallet continuing
Concerns / Watch List:
  • AIITS Diode Laser replacement arrival by early next week.
  • Need for waiver for replacement of AIITS Laser Module without repeat of Enviro. Testing
  • GHOST Pallet installation is behind schedule – mounting on aircraft to begin tomorrow
  • NGC Shear/Bending analysis - Meeting at NGC tomorrow to discuss status
Upcoming Schedule:
  • Tomorrow, Friday:
    • Finish AIITS Pod load-cell preloads
    • Continue Avionics tie-up of harnesses
    • GHOST Pallet installation
  • Saturday: Finish GHOST Installation