ATTREX 01/10/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX GH Overview:

-   Instrument Teams continue to return to DFRC and work on their instruments

-   Testing with the PMOF in Guam accomplished (see pic).


Today’s Accomplishments:

-   Satcom Testing by the Data-IT Teams at DFRC and in Guam with the aircraft to the PMOF Trailer was successful.

      o   There is therefore NO plan to move the aircraft outdoors tomorrow.

-   ESPO continued to prep the LD3’s for loading with Science-related equipment for shipment to Guam.

      o   See the important note below regarding staging non-critical items by COB tomorrow.


The Plan for the Tomorrow (Friday at DFRC):

-   There is NO Plan to perform outdoor testing tomorrow – the aircraft will remain in the hangar all day.

-   Therefore, Instrument Teams should have access to the aircraft all day

      o   0900 – 1600 access to aircraft in Hangar.

      o   Those needing Power or Data-IT Support need to coordinate that with Jhony Z. and Caitlin.

-   LD3 Shipping – Important Note:

      o   Instrument teams are requested to stage ALL non-critical items to be shipped in front of the LD3’s by COB Friday.

      o   Please coordinate needs or questions with Jhony or Steven from ESPO.


There are NO Planned activities in the GHOC Hangar for the period Saturday - Sunday:

-   Aircraft Crew will not be available. No aircraft access of any kind.

-   If Instrument Teams want to work in the Payload Cage over the weekend please coordinate with Dave F. or Jhony Z.


The Plan for the period Monday – Tuesday at DFRC is primarily for outdoor Aircraft to GHMOF Satcom Testing:

-   Aircraft Crew shifted to support late day testing with Guam.

-   Instrument Teams may have access prior to aircraft going outdoors if needed:

      o   0900 – 1130 access in Hangar.

      o   Please coordinate your needs with Jhony Z.

-   Aircraft outdoors 1200 – 1700 PST (0600 – 1100 Guam) for Comm’s testing with GHMOF in Guam
(Continued PMOF Testing from this week will be supported as needed)

      o   Monday is scheduled, Tuesday is margin, as needed by GH/Avionics Team


Transit / Science Flight Plan:

-   Transit/Science (planned for 20 hour) Flight of AV-6 to Guam is currently scheduled for:

      o   Take-off from DFRC on Wednesday 1700 DFRC (Thursday 1100 Guam)

            §  PMOF Staffing in Guam at 0945 for all Instrument Teams

      o   Scheduled Landing in Guam on Friday 0700 (Thursday 1300 DFRC)

-   Reminder regarding Support:

      o   Instrument Preflight in GH Hangar will start on Wednesday morning

      o   All Instrument Teams should plan to have at least one person at DFRC prior to the Transit Flight to preflght their instrument