KORUS-AQ (HL 5200)
KORUS-AQ 03/30/16 Mission Daily Schedule

PLAN FOR 3/30: 
Instrument Integration: SAGA, DLH/DACOM/COLAS, DIAL, LARGE, HD-SP2

3/30 End of the Day Report:
DLH: Up and running. DACOM/COLAS powering up this afternoon. Cylinders ready to be installed. 
DIAL: On schedule. Power check planned for Thursday.
SAGA: On schedule.
LARGE: Ready for install tomorrow.
HD-SP2: Arrived today. Expecting instrument to arrive tomorrow.

AMS and K-AMS (both shipments delivered today. Teams unpacking)

KORUS-AQ 03/28/16 Mission Daily Schedule

SAGA arrived on site.
DLH/DACOM/COLAS:  Pump installed. Power check to be completed by this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
DIAL: On schedule.
NOxyO3: On schedule. Team departed on 3/25 to return next week.
LARGE: Populating rack. Scheduled to go on the plane Wednesday.

Egress training for all future flyers is given weekly every Wednesday and Thursday after the 1pm day debrief.

NASA Partners on Air Quality Study in East Asia

NASA and the Republic of Korea are developing plans for a cooperative field study of air quality in May and June to advance the ability to monitor air pollution accurately from space.  The Korea U.S.-Air Quality study (KORUS-AQ) will assess air quality across urban, rural and coastal areas of South Korea using the combined observations of aircraft, ground sites, ships and satellites. Findings will play a critical role in the development of observing systems of ground and space-based sensors and computer models to provide improved air quality assessments for decision makers.